Allan Liew : Rakyat mempunyai hak untuk tahu tentang perbelanjaan naik taraf Jalan Utama ke Jalan Sehala. Jika Y.B. Ean Yong dan Y.B. Teo gagal membuat penjelasan, saya akan melaporkan kepada SPRM. ........(Baca seterusnya)


Allan Liew Sin Kim (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang) mengessa MPSJ supaya mendalamkan dan meluaskan Tasik Takungan Serdang secepat mungkin untuk mencegah kejadian banjir supaya penduduk setempat tidak mengalami kesusahan dan kerugian daripada kejadian banjir dan dia berpendapat bahawa Ean Yon Han Wah tidak memgambil berat terhadap mangsa-mangsa banjir.


En. Allan Liew telah melaporkan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) kerana Y.B. Teo Nie Ching (Ahli Parlimen Serdang) dan Y.B. Ean Yong Hian Wah (ADUN Seri Kembangan) gagal memberi penjelasan kepada Rakyat dengan jelas dan terprinci tentang jumlah wang perbelanjaan RM36Juta berhubung dengan projek Jalan Utama kepada Jalan Sehala, Seri Kembangaan dalam 3hari yang diberi oleh En. Allan Liew. Sampai pada hari ini, projek ini ditangguhkan dan belum disiapkan......(Bace seterusnya)


SERDANG MCA has lashed out at DAP for putting up a banner urging residents of Taman Megah Flats Phase Two to register their details to receive a 25% reduction in assessment fee. Serdang MCA public complaints bureau chief Allan Liew Sin Kim was surprised that DAP would put up such a banner as in the general election in 2008, DAP’s manifesto was to reduce assessment fee by 25% immediately in Selangor.


MCA Selangor Public Services and Complaint Department is not satisfy with the way the Selangor State Government count the premium of title which they are not following the valuation from Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta Negari Selangor. The Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim hired private company to value the land.

Monday, December 31, 2012



Friday, December 28, 2012


The unnecessary charges imposed to telco users due to drop-call had raised the rile of telco users. A survey had been done by MCA Selangor Public Services and Complaints Department regarding this issue on over 300 people and together with the complaints received by the past few months on this drop-call. Everyone was extremely dissatisfied with these unnecessary charges. In addition, regarding to these unnecessary charges being imposed to telco users, it starts to bring up the suspicious of telco users whereby they wonder are those telco company using this kind of indirect ways in order to raise their company profits. Moreover with the increase of telco users nowadays, there is a need for telco companies to upgrade their system and not giving excuses that users are at the area where there is no connection. This is unacceptable to all users because they able to phone to another party but it hang up after 2-3 minutes.

 Front from left, Kelvin Chong (Deputy Head I of MCA Selangor Public Services & Complaint Department),  Dato’ Theng Book (Head of MCA Selangor Public Services & Complaint Department), Dato' CK Lim (Legal Adviser of MCA Selangor Public Services & Complaint Department), Allan Liew (Deputy Head I of MCA Selangor Public Services & Complaint Department) together with complainers who are standing behind.

According to Dato’ Theng Book the charges are unfair to telco users. He urges telco companies to gives a reasonable explanation in 2 weeks time without fail. If not, MCA Selangor Public Srvices and Complaints Department will brings this issue and send memorandum to Ministry who is in charge with telecommunication and Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commissioner.

According to Allan Liew  this issue should not be view just on the charges but also others secondary problems especially during business conversation through phone. It affects the running of the business as when the phone suddenly hang up half way discussing, the client will misunderstands that the company is not interested in dealing with them and disrespectful to them. In addition, he personally also faced this problem before where complainers misunderstand that he have the intention to hang up the call during half way conversation.Meanwhile, Kelvin said that drop-call occurs after 1-2 minutes and he received a lot of complaints on this issues and Dato' CK Lim is unable to accept the accuses given by telco companies regarding on blindspot in the area.

MCA Selangor Public Services and Complaints Department hopes that government will take a step in monitoring the service provided by telco user so that telco companies will not monopoly the telecommunication market and grant more license to open up more telco companies so that users can have a better choice. Besides, government should provide a department to let telco users to voice out any of their opinions and dissatisfaction of the service.  

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


from left Allan Liew getting Yap personal details.
An old man who he call himself as Yap Choon Fatt who was found wondering in Damai Perdana by passerby and the passerby report to the police. Police officer at that station found out that this old man does not have any identification document to indentify his identity. Therefore the police officer called up Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat so that they could help this old man.  When officer from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat reach that place they too call up the ambulance to admit him to the hospital because they found that he is bleeding at his anus and Allan Liew suspects that he is suffering from some kind of diseases.
Allan Liew Sin Kim (MCA Serdang Chief of Public Services and Complaints) receive call to help to settle this case and help this old man to find his relatives. He immediately went to the scene. When Allan Liew reach to the scene, he found out that this old man was sitting in front of the Damai Perdana Police Station on the road where at that same time there is night market and refused to go anywhere or listen to anybody. Allan Liew together with Dato’ Hoh try to convince Yap to go to the hospital whereby first of all he aggressively rejected to admit to the hospital. Allan Liew only knows that this old man named Yap Choon Fatt and he lives at Serdang because Yap does not provide further information to Allan Liew as Yap is not sure what is happening.
Allan Liew too expressed his empathy towards this old man whereby he does not remember his way home and does not know where his relatives are. Allan Liew said that if anyone who know this person please contact him at 012-3392989.  This old man was sent to Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM).

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Duduk dari kanan ke-2 Allan Liew Sin Kim Ketua Biro Aduan Awam MCA Serdang ; Duduk dari kiri ke-2 Dato’ Hoh Hee Lee (Timbalan Pengerusi MCA Serdang) bersama-sama dengan penduduk-penduduk dan ahli-ahli Persatuan Taman Taming Jaya.

Satu majlis makan sempena Hari Krismas yang dianjurkan oleh seorang penduduk di Taman Sri Taming Jaya. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Sri Taming Jaya juga turut hadir dalam majlis ini. Majlis ini diraikan dengan sangar meriah dan juga merupakan satu peluang yang emas untuk menjalinkan hubungan antara satu sama lain. Tidak ketinggalan, En. Allan Liew juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk beramah-mesra dengan para hadirin.

Monday, December 24, 2012


Satu hujan lebat dan banjir kilat telah berlaku pada 21.12.2012 pada jam 6petang dikawasan Serdang yang menyebabkan penduduk setempat mengalami kesusahan dan kerugian. MCA Serdang amat prihatin terhadap kejadian ini dan juga menerima banyak aduan daripada penduduk setempat bahawa mereka telah mengalami kerugian yang besar disebabkan oleh kejadian ini.

dari kiri Wong Jun Lik, Allan Liew, Dato' Liew , ahli MCA Serdang sedang menunjukkan Tasik Takungan Air Serdang yang merupakan satu punca banjir kerana terdapat banyak sampah sarap ditasik tersebut.

Kawasan yang terlibat adalah Sungai Kuyu (Kawasan 5 dan Kawasan 9 Kampung Seri Kembangaan) ,Pusat Perdagangan Seri Kembangan Bukit Serdang (Seksyen 1 dan Seksyen 14), Serdang Jaya, Seri Serdang yang air menaik sebanyak 4 kaki.Kejadian banjir kilat ini pernah berlaku pada bulan September 2012 akan tetapi tiada langkah-langkah pencegahan diambil kira oleh Kerajaan Tempatan. Pembangunan di cerun bukit (Seksyen 1 dan Seksyen 14) telah menyebabkan banjir lumpuh kerana air lumpuh mengalir keluar dan menyebabkan banjir lumpuh di tempat-tempat berdekatan disitu akan tetapi kerajaan tempatan tidak mengambil inisiatif untuk mematau kejadian lumpur ini yang berlaku dan mengambil tindakan terhadapnya. Selain itu, di Sungai Kuyu terdapat 2 pam yang telah dibina akan tetapi tidak diselengara dengan baik dan mengakibatkan banjir berlaku.Tambahan pula, pam tersebut adalah system manual dan bukan automatik. Oleh itu, apabila air menaik, ia memerlukan orang untuk mengepamkan pam tersebut. MCA Serdang mencadangkan bahawa Kerajaan Tempatan sepatutnya menaikkan taraf pam tersebut kepada system automatik.

sedang menunjukkan gambar-gambar yang telah diambil pada masa kebanjiran berlaku dan punca-punca tempat kebanjiran

Menurut Pengerusi MCA Serdang Dato’ Liew Yuen Keong, walaupun kejadian ini pernah berlaku pada bulan September akan tetapi Kerajaan Tempatan (Pakatan Rakyat) dan Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan yang pro-aktif dan tidak mengambil tanggungjawab untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini akan tetapi menyalahkan Kerajaan Persekutuan.  Beliau juga mendapati bahawa Tasik Takungan Serdang Jaya adalah punca utama kerana terdapat banyak sampah-sarap disitu yang menyebabkan air tidak boleh mengalir dengan licin dan tersumbat. Tambahan pula, longkang tidak dibersihkan dengan baik.  Dato’ Liew juga berasa pelik kerana banjir yang berlaku di Klang dan juga Kajang telah mendapatkan peruntukan dari Kerajaan Negeri sebanyak RM5juta untuk membuat peyelenggaraan akan tetapi di Serdang masih tiada sebarang langkah yang diambil untuk menbuat pencegahan. Beliau memohon Kerajaan Negeri akan memberi peruntukan kepada MPSJ dan  Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) untuk melaksanakan program perncegahan dan Kerajaan Negeri dan MPSJ perlu bekerjasama dengan JPS demi kepentingan rakyat untuk membuat pencegahan daripada berlaku banjir. Beliau juga menyuruh penduduk tempatan member kerjasama dalam menjaga kebersihan sungai dan longkang dan berharap Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan MPSJ supaya memberi ganti rugi kepada mangsa-mangsa banjir di kawasan Serdang.

dari kiri Allan Liew, Dato' Liew, ahli MCA Serdang, Wong Jun Lik, 

Allan Liew Sin Kim (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang) mengessa MPSJ supaya mendalamkan dan meluaskan Tasik Takungan Serdang secepat mungkin untuk mencegah kejadian banjir supaya penduduk setempat tidak mengalami kesusahan dan kerugian daripada kejadian banjir.Dia juga berkata bahawa YB Ean Yong Han Wah selaku seorang Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) di Seri Kembangaan langsung tidak mengambil perhatian dan prihatin terhadap hal-hal banjir yang serius ini. Allan Liew juga berpendapat bahawa ini bukan kali pertama banjir berlaku di Serdang akan tetapi merupakan kali yang kedua dan sepatutnya YB Ean Yong Han Wah patut mengambil tindakan pencegahan terhadap banjir apabila telah berlaku pada bulan September. Ini telah menunjukkan bahawa YB Ean Yong Han Wah tidak bertanggungjawab dalam tugas dia sebagai ADUN Seri Kembagaan dan ini telah mengecewakan rakyat-rakyat yang mengundi dia dalam PRU-12. Tambahan pula, banjir yang berlaku pada kali kerdua ini, dia langsung tidak turun padang untuk mengambil berat terhadap mangsa-mangsa banjir.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Dari kanan ke-2 Allan Liew, Pengerusi Majlis Makan Malam, Dato’ Liew Yuen Keong bersama-sama dengan orang yang dijemput. 

Sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-3 perayaan “La Dok Gong” di Serdang, satu majlis makan malam bersama-sama telah diadakan. Terdapat banyak persembahan-persembahan yang menarik seperti persembahan menyanyi oleh artis-artis yang dijemput, Tarian Singa , dan juga ucapan ahli-ahli politik MCA yang hadir iaitu Dato’ Liew dan Dato’ Yap. En. Allan Liew Sin Kim(Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang) juga dijemput untuk menghadiri pada majlis tersebut. Dia juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengeratkan hubungan dengan orang ramai dan juga memberi prihatin terhadap sebarang aduan dan perkara yang dialami oleh orang disitu. 


Dari kiri ke-5, Allan Liew bersama-sama dengan para hadirin

En. Allan Liew (Ketua Biro Aduan Awam) telah dijemput untuk menghadiri majlis sambutan Dong Zi yang dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Hakka Balakong. Sambutan Dong Zi adalah sangat penting bagi orang Cina kerana pada perayaan ini adalah masa untuk bersama-sama sebagai satu keluarga atau dengan kawan untuk mengeratkan hubungan antara satu sama lain dan berkongsi masalah antara satu sama lain. Selain daripada ahli-ahli dari Persatuan Hakka Balakong hadir, Penghulu Balakong iaitu En. Yap Yoon juga turut hadir. En. Allan Liew dijemput untuk sambutan yang meriah ini. Tidak ketinggalan, En. Allan Liew juga mengambil kesempatan ini supaya penduduk-penduduk di Balakong dan para hadirin yang hadir untuk mengongsi masalah mereka dengan dia. 

Allan Liew sedang ramah-mesra dengan para hadirin disitu


Sambutan yang meriah pada pagi di Serdang untuk menyambut dan mendoa Tuhan “La Dok Gong” di Serdang sempena ulang tahun ke-3 “La Dok Gong Harmony Village”.  Pada hari tersebut Tarian Singa dan Tarian Naga diadakan. Orang ramai juga menghadiri dalam sambutan yang begitu meriah ini. Perayaan ini juga dapat mengeratkan hubungan antara satu sama lain.   En. Allan Liew (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang) juga dijemput untuk menghadiri pada majlis tersebut. Dia juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengeratkan hubungan dengan orang ramai dan juga memberi prihatin terhadap sebarang aduan dan perkara yang dialami oleh orang disitu. Turut hadir adalah ahli-ahli politik daripada MCA Serdang dan wakil badan-badan NGO dari Seri Kembangaan.  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Attending the YU HUANG MIAO GOD's celebration where Chinese believe that He is King of the Gods. This event was welcome by a lot of people at Kampung Baru Balakong.

Allan Liew praying to the GOD with all his sincerity. 

It is an meaningful celebration where everyone can get together and do their sharing. We also take this good opportunity to meet up with our supporters and get the latest news and problems which they are facing as well. It is also part of our job To Serve the Nation. 


En. Allan Liew (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang) bersama-sama dengan Dato’ Liew Yuen Keong (Pengerusi MCA Serdang), Dato’ Hoh Hee Lee (Timbalan Pengerusi MCA Serdang), En Yap Yoon (Penghulu Balakong) dan wakil-wakil dari MCA Serdang pergi ke Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, Pusat Khidmat Hulu Langat untuk menyerahkan boring-borang BR1M 2.0 yang telah diisikan oleh pemohon-pemohon (Jumlah: 1367). Khidmat ini diadakan untuk meringankan beban orang ramai dalam memohon BR1M 2.0.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Cheque which total of RM6.5m handling ceremony for Bukit Serdang New School by Dato Dr. Wee Ka Siong. Thanks to Ministry of Education which had allocate this total of amount of Building Fund and to let our next generation to have a better future. The building can be used by 2000 plus students. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Dari Kiri : Yap Yoon (Penghulu Balakong), Allan Liew Sin Kim (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang), Lai Sam Tai, Ho Chin Yeen, Dato Hoh Hee Lee (Timbalan Pengerusi MCA Serdang)

Satu lawatan ke rumah Lai Sam Thai yang berumur 79 tahun oleh Dato Hoh Hee Lee (Timbalan Pengerusi MCA Serdang), En. Allan Liew (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang) dan En Yap Yoon (Penghulu Balakong) untuk meneliti dan mengambil berat terhadap keadaan dia yang ditipu oleh 3 orang yang tidak dikenali (seorang perempuan dan 2 orang lelaki).

Semasa pengadu ini berada dirumah 07/12/2012 lebih kurang Jam1300, telah didatang 3 orang yang tidak dikenali menanya dia tentang penerimaan BR1M (RM500) dan juga berkata dengan dia bahawa RM300 akan dibayar kepada dia dulu di Dewan Orang Ramai Kampung Baru Balakong dan mereka membawa pengadu ini ke suatu tempat yang berdekatan dengan Pusat Service Toyota Kampung Baru Balakong dan memaksa pengadu menyerahkan barangan yang berharga (satu cincin dan sepasang anting). Selepas itu, pengadu ditinggalkan ditempat berhampiran dengan Jusco Selatan.

Selain itu, tujuan lawatan ini adalah untuk mengadakan satu sidang akhbar supaya dapat memberi kesedaran kepada orang ramai supaya tidak ditipu oleh penipuan seperti ini dan sebarang pertanyaan boleh merujuk kepada badan kerajaan, MCA atau Penghulu. En. Allan Liew juga berharap bahawa orang ramai dapat mengambil berat terhadap kes seperti ini supaya tidak akan berlaku kepada orang lain.

Menurut Dato Hoh, wakil dari MCA , wakil dari penghulu atau dari mana-mana badan kerajaan tidak akan pergi ke rumah dan tiba-tiba membawa sesiapa ke tempat lain untuk urusan rasmi. Selain itu, beliau juga menegaskaa bahawa jika sesiapa yang juga menhadapi masalah penipuan seperti ini, sila buat satu laporan polis supaya pihak berkuasa boleh membuat siasatan untuk mencegah kes-kes penipuan daripada berlaku. Beliau juga berkata urusan rasmi dari kerajaan adalah percuma dan tidak dikenakan sebarang caj perkhimatan dan biasanya dibuat di pejabat tanpa sebarang agent. Yap Yoon juga turut bersimpati terhadap pengadu ini yang telah ditipu kerana dia adalah seorang warga mas. Beliau juga berkata bahawa jikalau BR1M ditolak, mereka boleh datang ke MCA atau kepada dia untuk bersama-sama membuat rayuan.

Yap Yoon juga turut simpati terhadap pengadu ini yang telah ditipu kerana dia adalah seorang warga mas. Beliau juga berkata bahawa jikalau BR1M ditolak, mereka boleh datang ke MCA atau kepada dia untuk bersama-sama membuat rayuan.

Tambahan pula, En. Allan Liew juga memberitahu bahawa walaupun tahun lepas terdapat golongan yang berjaya mendapatkan wang dari BR1M akan tetapi, pegawai akan meneliti semula golongan tersebut mengikut syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Biro Pengduan Awam MCA Serdang telah menerima banyak aduan daripada penjaja-penjaja Pasar Malam Seri Kembangan bahawa mereka tidak berpuas hati dan marah ke atas cara pengurusan pemindahan penjaja. Selain itu, Biro Aduan Awam MCA Serdang juga mendapati bahawa terdapat golongan penjaja yang sekeluarga dihadkan kepada satu petak, pada hal sebelumnya mereka boleh mendapat lebih daripada satu petak tempat untuk menjual. Penjaja tidak membantah pemindahan ini akan tetapi berharap proses pengendalian ini dijalankan dengan lebih adil dan saksama.

Dari kiri : Liew Choo Long (Pengerusi Penjaja Sri Kembangan), Allan Liew Sin Kim (Ketua Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang), Wong Jun Lik (Ahli Jawatankuasa Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang).

Merujuk kepada perkara tersebut Allan Liew Sin Kim mengambil prihatin terhadap kebajikan penjaja-penjaja dan menegaskan MPSJ supaya memberi perhatian dan mengambil tindakan segera dengan perkara-perkara tersebut dibawah : 
1. MPSJ sepatutnya mengadakan satu taklimat atau dialog dengan penjaja-penjaja sebelum program pemindahan dijalankan supaya penjaja-penjaja dapat menyuarakan suara hati mereka.
2. Memberikan keutamaan kepada penjaja pasar malam yang sedia ada dimana mereka telah berniaga disini selama lebih daripada 30tahun.
 3. Mengadakan cabutan undian petak gerai secara terbuka dan tulus demi mengurangkan kekeliruan.
4. Paparkan senarai nama penjaja yang Berjaya demi menunjukkan ketulusan dalam program ini.
5. Menangguhkan program pemindahan pasar malam selapas Tahun Baru Cina atas sebab risiko perniagaan penjaja dan stok musim Tahun Baru Cina yang sedia ada.

Jika MPSJ tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap perkara diatas, wakil-wakil dari Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang dan wakil-wakil dari penjaja pasar malam akan pergi ke pejabat MPSJ untuk membuat satu perjumpaan untuk perbincangan. Allan Liew juga berharap MPSJ dapat menjalankan Program Pemindahan ini dengan lebih bertanggungjawab, professional dan sistematik tanpa gangguan dan pengaruh dari parti politik dan menjaga kepentingan penjaja pasar malam.

Tambahan pula, terdapat campur tangan daripada ahli politik daripada Pakatan Rakyat semasa pengendalian pasar malam dijalankan dan telah menyebabkan salah faham dan kekeliruan antara MPSJ dan penjaja. Menurut Allan Liew, campur tangan daripada Pakatan Rakyat telah menyebabkan perkara yang mengelirukan dan juga telah mengakibatkan keganansan. Selain itu, MPSJ langsung tidak mendengar suara hati penjaja dan tidak mengikuti undang-undang.

“Menurut Ahli Jawantankuasa (AJK) Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang saya, Wong Jun Lik (umur 30) yang turun padang untuk meneliti keadaan pada masa itu telah dihalau keluar daripada dewan tersebut oleh seorang berbaju hitam dan seorang yang memakai jacket DAP dengan ganas sekali. Saya tidak bersetuju dengan budaya yang ganas seperti ini. Selain daripada itu, Jun Lik telah difitnah oleh YB Ean Yong Hian Wah membuat kacau pada masa tersebut. Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang menegaskan YB Ean Yong Hian Wah untuk memohon maaf kepada Jun Lik dalam masa 24jam ini kerana menfitnahnya. ” kata Allan Liew. Allan Liew juga berkata cabutan yang dijalankan adalah tidak adil kerana penjaja tidak diberi peluang untuk mengundi akan tetapi wakil dari MPSJ memberi nombor petak kepada penjaja. “Keadaan seperti ini menunjukkan bahawa petak berniaga untuk penjaja telah diaturkan oleh pihak MPSJ pada awalnya ” tambah Allan Liew.

Menurut Pengerusi Penjaja Seri Kembangan, Liew Choo Long yang juga salah seorang peniaga di Pasar Malam tersebut, dia tidak bersetuju dan tidak berpuas hati dengan pengendalian pemindahan ini kerana petak untuk dia menjual telah dikurangkan. Selain itu, Dia tidak setuju dengan MPSJ yang memberi peluang kepada penjaja baru untuk mencabut dan ini adalah tidak adil kepada penjaja yang telah menjual disana selama 30 tahun. “Saya amat tidak bersetuju dengan cara mereka mengendalikan pemindahan ini dan saya tidak diberi peluang untuk menyuarakan suara hati saya. Tambahan pula, saya difitnah membuat kacau apabila saya mengemukkan ketidak puas hati saya terhadap MPSJ. Selain itu, MPSJ juga menfitnah saya mengambil petak yang banyak dan tidak memberi peluang kepada penjaja yang lain ” katanya.

Wakil-wakil daripada Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang bersama-sama dengan Allan Liew dan Wong Jun Lik menunjukkan menyuarakan ketidakpuasa hati mereka.

Ahli Jawantankuasa (AJK) Biro Pengaduan Awam MCA Serdang, Wong Jun Lik amat kecewa dan marah dengan tindakan YB Ean Yong Hian Wah yang menfirnah dia pergi ke dewan menyamar sebagai penjaja dan membuat kacau. Dia juga berkata bahawa ini telah menjejaskan imejnya dan mengessa YB Ean Yong Hian Wah untuk meminta maaf kepadanya supaya mengembalikan maruahnya. Selain itu, dia juga telah membuat laporan kepada polis tentang keganasan yang telah dilakukan kepada dia demi keselamatan dia.

Monday, December 10, 2012


A total of 14 traders from pig farm located in TANJONG SEPAT was cheated by a person to be named as “Along” which the total up amount had reached above RM2.5m according to this 3 traders which came for the press conference. Cheques received were rejected by bank either due to account close or different signature. Allan Liew Sin Kim (Chief of Serdang MCA Public Services & Complaints) are concern on this issues because the amount is large and it is affecting the cost of living among traders being cheated and urged Along to show up and explain to those traders on this issue.

From left : Lim Wei Jien, Ng Swee Keng, Lim Yong Han, Allan Liew (Chief of Serdang MCA Public Services & Complaints), Dato Hoh Hee Lee (Deputy Chairman of Serdang MCA) , Alvin Tai

           Ng Swee Keng (age 41) one of the pig farm traders said that the person, Along had cheated her almost RM80,000.00 and the cheque given to her is not useable and it is either payment stopped or that account had closed. She lodged a police report after she realize that something was wrong when she unable to contact Along. She added that usually she sell the pigs first then only receive the payment.

          “Before that in 2010, there is another dealer who buys from me had run away and now it happen again. Usually we sold the pigs and then only we get the money after a week or a fortnight later. I had gone to his house to find him but only his wife was there and said that she is unable to do anything because his husband had run away and if they want, they can sold the pig farm to her and then she will pay back them slowly. Yesterday (December 9 2012) I received a call from him saying that he will pays me back the amount little by little. What I am puzzled is that, if he does not has money, why he could buy pigs at Penang in cash. In addition, others traders does not want to bring up this issue legally because they worry that they could not get the remainder payment form him” she said. “My family needs the money for survivor” she added.

          Lim Wei Jien (age 18) another party whose his father (age 43) had been cheated by Along with the total of RM350,000.00. “My whole family needs the money for living and this is affecting my sister who wishes to further their studies” he said. He hopes that Along could shows empathy on them.

           Lim Yong Han (age 27) said that during the time he went to Along house to collect the remainder debt, only Along’s wife was there and she say that she unable to do anything as her husband had run away and also talk to him in a stern tone. After he leaves Along's house, an Indian guy phone him requesting to see him and urged Lim not to go to Along's house again. Lim too had lodged a report to police due to this in order to avoid any unpleasant event happen to him and his family and he finds his lawyers for advice on this matter. Lim also added that Along act aggressively and another victim had be surrounded by people two time due to demanding Along to pay the remainder debt. “I do not agree that he is acting in such way and I prefer we take legal action in settling this matter” he said.

Allan Liew : Traders who had been cheated by Along should put on their brave front to voice out this matter and fight for their own justice

         Allan Liew hope that Along could come out and show pity towards those pig farms traders and be more responsible on all his doings. He also hope that polices will investigate on this matter. He too urged all victims to put on a brave front to voice out this matter and fight for their own justice. During the press conference, Allan Liew phoned Along to get his explanation but Along denied that he owe Lim Wei Jien’s father RM350,000.00. Dato Hoh Hee Lee are sympathize with those victims and urged Along to find a better solution on this matter and do not escape from responsibilities. All three victims had lodged police report on this matter.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Tong Yuen represent an important meaning in Chinese culture which means in a family, they wants all of their family lives happily with each another. It also shows the same meaning for a Country. We live together in Malaysia and we are all "family" too.

This competition also gives opportunities to participant to show off their talent in preparing Tong Yuen. Below are some of the design which participants made.

Allan Liew holding the wintermelon which there are words craved at it. 

Allan Liew tasting the Tong Yuen which he also play part of the role preparing it. 

Besides the importance of strong bonding with each another in a country, nations health is also important for the good well-being of the country. Therefore, at the same times, there are free Medical Check-up. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Night Market (Pasar Malam) hawkers are facing problem due to the reallocation of the night market at Serdang. In 29/11/2012, hawkers are asked to draw their location of stall. There are total of 527 places but there are less than that amount is given out during the draw session. Due to the lack of location, there are few hawkers unable to get their place to run their business. Moreover it is not fair to mix hawkers who had been selling for 30 over years and hawkers who just obtain the license to draw together. “MBSJ should give priority to hawkers who had been running their business for the past 30years “said Dato’ Liew Yuen Keong (Serdang MCA Chairman).

In addition MCA Serdang are empathy with those hawkers, because Chinese New Year is around the corner and these hawkers were asked to reallocate their stalls which will dramatically increase their burden as their business are part of their living. “MBSJ should have a dialog with those hawkers so that they will be given chance to voice out their opinion and dissatisfaction as well as their queries " said Dato’ Liew. “MBSJ should do it in a more transparency way and should not be influence with other parties” he added. Dato’ Liew also urged MBSJ to reveal the lists of hawkers’ name so that it will be more transparent on who gets the location.

From left : Dato; Liew Yuen Keong, Wong Jun Lik, Allan Liew

Wong Jun Lik (committee member of Serdang MCA Public & Services Complaints) was being treated aggressively and threaten by a person wearing DAP Jacket and a person who is in black with sunglasses. Wong was actually being ask to go to Pusat Perdagangan Sri Kembangan to check out the drawing session of the reallocation of hawkers after Serdang MCA Public & Service Complaints Department receives numerous complaints from hawkers about their dissatisfaction of this reallocation. Unfortunately, Wong faced this kind of unpleasant situation. “Two people came holding at my T-shirt and then pulled me out aggressively. At that time, I felt that my life was being threatened and after that I made a police report. It is just an event by MBSJ and not a political event, why such an aggressive force was used on me?” Wong questioned.

Allan Liew (Chief of Serdang MCA Public Services & Complaints) was disappointed with this kind of aggressive act. “We only send people to go there to survey and get enquiry only when we receive complaints from people. We are not there interrupting anyone or any parties. Moreover I notice that Ean Yong Hian Wah used high handed way in dealing with hawkers in Serdang since he took over. He should be more aware on peoples’ right and empathy to them not to oppress them. In addition they are not following their policy C.A.T (competency, accountability, transparency). Pakatan say something but do another, CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN” Liew said.

Liew : Pakatan say something but do another, CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN

Dato Liew was also shocked with this matter because to him, Malaysian culture is multi-racial and all Malaysia respect each another. “Pakatan should not interfere with what MPSJ is doing. In addition, I could not even figure out what kind of political culture had brought into by Pakatan nowadays. This is must stop immediately. This kind of violence act is not only happening in Serdang , but also in other areas” Dato Liew said.

Friday, December 7, 2012


MCA Central Committee had at its meeting held on 26th April 2012 resolved to purchase a Group Accidental Insurance policy for all our party members so as to provide them with the Insurance protection with the terms and conditions as follows:-
  1. The family of any party member whose death is caused by an accident be paid a total sum assured of Ringgit Malaysia Ten Thousand (RM10,000.00) only together with a bereavement benefit of Ringgit Malaysia Four Thousand (RM4,000.00) per insured.
  2. Any member whose death is not caused by an accident shall only be paid a bereavement benefit of RM4,000.00 only.
  3. A claim payment of Ringgit Malaysia Five Thousand (RM5,000.00) shall be paid to any member who suffers partial disability.
The premium of the said insurance shall be borne by the MCA Headquarters and party members shall enjoy the coverage free of charge.
Terms & Conditions
  1. Eligibility of Applicant
    1. Existing valid members of the Association as at 1st May 2012 who are of age 18 years and above;
    2. The MCA Presidential Council had at its meeting on 8th May 2012 set RM10 as the minimum amount of subscription to be paid by invalid members so that they may participate in this scheme. However, members will still not be considered as valid members until all outstanding subscription fees are paid in full.
    3. Whilst for members who joined the Association after 1st May 2012 would be subjected to the following conditions:-
      1. Age limit from 18 till 75 years based on last birthday before inception of the Policy;
      2. Has been registered as a member of the Association for at least 90 days;
    4. Any member whose membership has been withdrawn, terminated or suspended shall not be eligible to apply for this scheme.
  2. Application Procedures
    1. The applicant must complete a “1MCA Member Group Insurance Scheme” Form stating clearly the name of their beneficiary and submit it to the MCA HQ Secretariat together with the following required documents:
      1. A photocopy of the MyKad of the applicant (both sides).
      2. A photocopy of the MyKad or Passport of the beneficiary’s/nominee (both sides).
    2. All incomplete forms/documents will not be accepted.
  3. Enforcement of the Insurance Policy
    1. The master policy shall take effect from 1st May 2012 to 30th April 2013.
    2. The coverage of the policy shall take effect upon the receipt and acceptance of the duly completed forms which have been forwarded to the Insurance Company and shall be in force till 30th April 2013.
  4. Payment of Sum Assured
    1. Accidental Death: RM10,000.00
    2. Total Disability: RM10,000.00
      1. Loss of both hands or both feet or sight of both eyes
      2. Loss of one hand and one foot
      3. Loss of either hand or foot and of one eye
      4. Total paralysis or being permanently bedridden
      5. Permanent total disablement from engaging in or attending to employment or occupation of every description.
      6. Disappearance for more than 1 year due to a cause
    3. Partial Disability: RM5,000.00
      1. Loss of either hand or foot
      2. Loss of sight of one eye
    4. Bereavement Allowance: RM4,000.00 (All Causes)
    This Policy does not cover any result directly or indirectly caused by or consequent upon:-
    1. participating in hazardous and dangerous sport or competition such as hunting, climbing or mountaineering which require the use of ropes or guides, aviation except as passenger or crew in fully licensed passenger carrying aircraft, racing of any kind other than on foot, speed or reliability trials, parachuting, hand gliding, potholing sport where participants explore underground caves, aqualung or scuba diving, taking part in winter sports, skating of any kind, rock-climbing.
  5. Nominee / Beneficiary
    1. Must be a next of kin such as spouse, children, parents or siblings, etc.
    2. Not applicable to anyone who is a drug addict, gambler, bankrupt or a person with low morality.
    3. Maximum of 3 nominees is allowed (must indicate clearly the percentage of shares therein)
  6. Witnesses
    1. Witnesses could either be the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Organizing Secretary, Youth Chief and Wanita Chief of the respective States/Divisions/Branches
    2. All MPs, State Assemblymen, District and Municipal Councillors
    3. All Coordinators of the Constituencies.
    4. All Executive Secretaries of the respective States and Divisions
    5. All Staff of the MCA Headquarters.
  7. Claims Procedures
    1. All life assured /beneficiary must within 30 days after the occurrence of the Disability or Death submit the duly completed “Claim Form” to the party HQ for checking and thereafter to be forwarded to the Insurance Company for processing.
    2. The documents required to be enclosed are as follows:-
      1. Accidental Death
        1. Death Certificate;
        2. Police Report;
        3. Post Mortem report
        4. A photocopy of the MyKad or Passport of the Beneficiary (both sides)
      2. Bereavement Benefit:
        1. Death Certificate;
        2. A photocopy of the MyKad or Passport of the Beneficiary (both sides)
      3. Total & Partial Disability
        1. Police report, if any
        2. Medical report
        3. Original receipts of treatments
        4. X-ray film, if there is severance of any part of the body
        5. A photocopy of MyKad or Passport of the beneficiary (both sides)
    3. All claims will be issued by cheques made payable to the beneficiary after having been verified by the Insurance Company that all particulars and documents as given are complete and are free from any mistakes.
  8. Submission of Claims Form
    1. The Claims Form may be downloaded from the official website of MCA at www.mca.org.myfree of charge.
    2. Classification of Forms
      1. Application Form
      2. Claims Form
        1. For Bereavement benefit
        2. Accidental Death or Permanent or Partially Disablement Resulting from an accident

adapted from Malaysian Chinese Association (馬來西亞華人公會)

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